photo booth sales funnel

My Photo Booth Marketing & Sales Funnel.

In Marketing & Businessby Chris13 Comments

No matter how brilliant your photo booth setup is, if people don’t know you have it, you’re not going to make any money.  Basically, a sales funnel illustrates how to go about generating a sale from start to finish.  This process consists primarily of the sales process, the path through which you direct your customer to eventually make a purchase.

Here are the stages of a typical sales funnel.

  1. Generating leads
  2. Attracting prospects
  3. Conversion/Creating Customers

In short, you cast your net out far and wide, attract leads, acquire prospects and convert those into customers. Many people may be initially interested, but fewer care to hear more and even fewer are able and willing to purchase.

A lead can be anyone under the initial casting of the net, a prospect is one who’s interested in your invitation and actually expresses their interest to you, while a customer is the person who commits to renting your photo booth.

For instance, if I’m advertising to a new lead on Facebook we’ll direct them to a helpful article to begin the relationship. Rather than trying to sell them on a booth when their simply trying to be amused on Social Media. Here’s more on why we don’t sell on Facebook.

We’ll go deeper into all of these stages in the future, but for now I think this infographic is a great “1,000” foot view of how this works.  This is not the “end all be all” of photo booth marketing but it’s a great start.  Keep in mind this is for selling “B2C” (business to customer).  We’ll cover selling B2B (business to business) in the future.

photo booth sales funnel

I hope this helpful, please feel free to steal and share it.

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  1. Hello
    I love the site. Keep up the amazing work.
    Can you please send me a copy?

  2. Hi Chris, first, thanks so much for all the detailed and helpful information you have on here about starting a photobooth business. Yours is a template I’m following for my photobooth business. Could you send me a copy of your sales funnel? Thanks!

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