How to handle non-profits & still profit.

In Marketing & Businessby Chris2 Comments

27007707812_9ecc5afa42_zOne of the most common questions that photo booth owners ask me is, “How do I handle this charity, church, school, community group, fundraiser or other non-profit organization.”  Typically these clients are looking for a deep discount, if not a full “donation in kind.”

There isn’t anything wrong with giving a discount or complete donation just out of generosity or because it’s a cause that you feel deeply about.  We regularly donate our photo booth to events at our church and local Relay for Life events.

However, we are business owners and need to make a living.  So when people ask me this question, I simply refer them to a blog post/podcast done by the guys over at ProBoothTalk, called “Will You Donate Your Booth – Working with Non-Profits.”  These guys lay out a brilliant sponsorship model that works brilliantly and is a win for everyone.

Read this article, listen to the podcast and subscribe to the podcast while you are at it.  There are free example templates to download as well on their site.

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